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    Find Where You’re Missing Data

    The APR is coming up and you’ve been using SCRIBE to record your students’ demographics, services and participation, test scores and grades so you’re in a good position to complete the report. But what if you run the APR Section IV Student Demographics Report in SCRIBE and notice a larger-than-expected […]

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    Who’s On Track to Graduate High School?

    One of GEAR UP’s main goals is to increase high school graduation rates. Now SCRIBE allows users to track whether their students are on track to graduate high school. The student’s On Track to Graduate status will be displayed in the Report Card portion of their enrollment record as either […]

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    To Exit or Not to Exit…that is the Question!

    Summertime brings sunshine, trips to the pool, and margaritas!  It also brings the end of the school year which means student graduate, get promoted, or get retained. What does this mean for student enrollment and data collection in SCRIBE? We recommend that all students are exited at the end of […]

  • Do You Think Beyond the Pie Chart?

    Do You Think Beyond the Pie Chart?

    As part of the 2017 GEAR UP Annual Conference in San Francisco, Xcalibur team members Julie Jaramillo and Tricia Brainard partnered with Becky Young from GEAR UP Maine to challenge participants to Think Beyond the Pie Chart.     The group developed the Five C’s to See Your Data as […]