Xcalibur Blog

  • The Power of Evaluation Retreats: Maximizing Program Growth

    The Power of Evaluation Retreats: Maximizing Program Growth

    With student success on the line, GEAR UP grants constantly strive for growth and improvement. Evaluating the grant effectiveness of strategies, processes, and objectives is crucial for obtaining goals for retreat participants. While evaluations are typically done in the office, there’s a growing trend towards evaluation retreats – dedicated blocks […]

  • Summer: A time to unwind and wind-up

    Summer is upon us and all I can think of is warmer weather, flip flops, beach fun, cookouts, and DATA (yup, always a data nerd!!)! 🤓 As schools finalize the last few days of the school year it is time to prepare for closing out on 22-23. No matter where […]

  • Celebrating High School Graduation and Embracing New Horizons

    Graduation season is the time when high schools and institutions of higher education celebrate the completion of academic programs and the transition of students to the next phase of their lives. Commencement speeches inspire and advise graduates on future endeavors ranging from entering the workforce, going to trade school, or […]

  • Sharpening The Saw Through Professional Development

    Many years ago, I read The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey. In the book, Covey mentioned “sharpen the saw”, as the 7th habit. Sharpening the saw involves preserving and improving your greatest asset – You. There are many ways we should “sharpen the saw.” In […]