Xcalibur Blog

  • Mastering the Art of Asking for, Receiving, and Responding to Feedback

    Feedback is a crucial component of professional growth, but we’ve all encountered feedback that left us scratching our heads. Recently, I stumbled upon an insightful episode of the “Storytelling with Data” podcast by Cole Nussbaumer. It delved into the nuances of asking for and receiving feedback, sparking my own reflections […]

  • Educators Are Never Done Learning

    Crock-pot dinners, early morning backpack packing, soccer bags, and after school snacks ready to go! I don’t know about you, but these things must mean one thing; school is not only back in session but is in full swing! It has taken me a bit of time to get my […]

  • Strategic Team Planning: Charting a Course for Success

    Last month, I got great satisfaction in meeting face-to-face with my team for our annual evaluation team strategic planning. Strategic planning meetings are crucial for team success and provide an opportunity for reflection. They are also very valuable for the development of a cohesive and comprehensive plan that is co-developed […]

  • Where did they come from? Where did they go? SCRIBE’s Enrollment History Report

    When one school year end, we move onto the hustle and bustle of summer and before we know it, a new school year is upon us. Whether intentionally or not, the prior school year is often put behind us, only to be revisited for the APR. However, looking at enrollment […]