
Summer: A time to unwind and wind-up

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Summer is upon us and all I can think of is warmer weather, flip flops, beach fun, cookouts, and DATA (yup, always a data nerd!!)! 🤓

As schools finalize the last few days of the school year it is time to prepare for closing out on 22-23. No matter where you are at in your data collection and entry for this school year, now is a great time to check in and see where you are at.

  • What is missing?
  • What is still needed to be collected (summer service participation, end of year grades, graduation data)?
  • How will you get that data, especially if it’s after school is out for the summer?

If you have a documented data collection process or data tracker this task will be easy…and if you don’t have one, I highly recommend one! Even after the last bit of data has been collected and entered, the work for SY 22-23 is not quite finished. Summer is a great time to reflect on how the data collection and entry process went in 22-23 to celebrate what went well and make changes (if needed) to where things didn’t go as smoothly as you had hoped. While you go through this process and make changes where needed be sure to take some time to think about new changes for the upcoming school year that may affect the configuration of your grant in the SCRIBE database.

Perhaps in SY 23-24 you will be:

  • serving different schools
  • having students in new grade levels (post secondary students perhaps)
  • receiving National Student Clearinghouse data for the first time
  • prepping to complete your FPR
  • making changes to the services delivered to students, families, and/or educators

As always, Xcalibur is here to help you navigate these changes so if we can be of assistance please reach out! Our team is currently ramping up for the school year 23-24 and will be sending out emails soon to discuss school configurations in SCRIBE as well as how we can support your teams in 23-24 with SCRIBE training.

Summer often is a time of turnover for grant staffing, so it is also important to look through your SCRIBE users and review permissions. Users who are no longer with your grant should be deactivated in SCRIBE by your grant data manager.

“Data really powers everything that we do”. Jeff Weiner

Additional Resources:

Help Desk article: User Management – Deactivate a User’s SCRIBE account

Staying on Track – December 2021 Town Hall – Data trackers